Tisalabs Knowledge Base

Which types of assets are scannable using Predictive?

Predictive is a powerful cybersecurity tool that enables you to scan and assess a wide range of assets to identify vulnerabilities and enhance your security posture. Some of the assets you can scan using Predictive include:


  • Websites: Predictive can thoroughly scan websites, pinpointing vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and potential threats. This comprehensive assessment ensures the robust security of your online presence.
  • Web Applications: Scan web applications to identify vulnerabilities that could be exploited by malicious actors. Predictive helps safeguard your online services and user data.
  • Docker Containers: Assess Docker containers for security weaknesses, guaranteeing the protection of your containerized applications in dynamic environments.
  • Kubernetes Clusters: Scan Kubernetes clusters to uncover vulnerabilities and misconfigurations within your container orchestration setup, bolstering the security of your cloud-native infrastructure.

To add an asset to the Predictive Application for vulnerability scanning or performance monitoring, users need to provide specific information about the asset. Here are the details users will be required to provide when adding an asset:

  • Asset Type: Pick the type of asset from Websites, Web Applications, Docker Containers, Kubernetes Clusters 
  • Domains: Users should input the domain name they want to scan. This allows Predictive to identify potential security risks associated with the domain and its configurations, ensuring the protection of their online presence.
  • IP Addresses: Users need to provide the IP address they want to assess. Predictive will evaluate the security posture of the IP address, detecting vulnerabilities or malicious activity that could compromise their network.
  • Asset Name: Users are required to choose a name for the asset. This name helps users identify and manage their assets within the Predictive Application.
  • Asset Description: Users should provide a brief description or additional information about the asset. This description can help users and their teams understand the purpose or context of the asset within their organization.
  • Legal Authority Acknowledgment: Users must confirm that they have the legal authority to run scans on the asset they are adding to Predictive. This acknowledgment ensures that users comply with legal and ethical standards when scanning assets.

By collecting this essential information, Predictive ensures that users are correctly configuring assets for scanning and monitoring while emphasizing the importance of legal authority and compliance. This approach helps organizations maintain a responsible and secure cybersecurity posture while using the Predictive Application.


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